First-year student’s welcome event

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Welcoming new students

The winter term starts Monday, November 2, 2020, with a virtual WiSo freshman welcome event for all students in German and English.

Starting at 10.15 a.m., students of the Bachelor programs Economics, Socioeconomics, International Business Studies, International Economic Studies, and Business Informatics will be officially welcomed at WiSo. During the event, representatives of the service institutions such as the Student Advisory, the International Office, the Language Center, the Career Service, the student organizations, and initiatives, the representative for gender and diversity, etc. will introduce themselves.

At the following virtual WiSo-info-fair, many of the service facilities, institutions, initiatives, and business partners of the department will present themselves.

For Master’s students, the new semester starts on the same day with a digital, official welcome at 11:15 a.m.

In addition, program-specific introductory events for the different Bachelor and Master programs will take place on this day.

Virtual campus tours, alumni greetings, and moderated interviews with potentially interesting WiSo representatives bring the day to an end.

In the evening a digital party organized by student initiatives will conclude the WiSo opening week for the Bachelor students and will also give the Master students the opportunity to get to know their fellow students.

You can reach the digital welcome event at

The virtual freshman welcome event is open for you on November 02, 2020 between 10:00 am and 16:00 pm. From 19:00 pm a Party Area will be opened additionally.

Further information on the program (status 9/2020) can be found at Studystart_schedule. Images from the first year students’ welcome event in previous years are available in the photo and video archive (German).