Laura Kirste wins the ALEX schnell-digital!-Award in the category Best-of-schnell-digital!

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©Giulia Iannicelli/FAU

The corona pandemic has turned university teaching and learning upside down in the summer semester 2020 and made the usual classroom teaching impossible. The teachers at FAU and WiSo have taken on the challenging task of digitizing their teaching in the shortest possible time and making it available for online study – and with great success. In the course of the summer semester, numerous innovative online offerings have been created that can easily keep up with their presence counterparts and perhaps even overtake them in didactic and technical sophistication. This is also what the students say.

The ALEX schnell-digital!-Award is intended to honor particularly successful and high-quality offerings in six different categories. An overwhelming number of submissions were received. The schnell-digital! award jury, consisting of representatives of the university management, students and teachers, ILI, FBZHL and RRZE, has used the last few weeks to assess and evaluate the entries – no easy task, but the winners have been determined!

In the category Best-of-schnell-digital! Laura Kirste from the Chair of International Management (WiSo Nürnberg) won the race. Her impressive range of courses achieved the highest score in almost all evaluation categories, offering students the all-round package of sustainable, didactically well thought-out and well-supervised teaching. She is one of the first to make use of the learning sequence in StudOn and thus creates a transparent and structured online offer. Congratulations!

You can find more about the teaching award and the other winners at

The WiSo would like to congratulate all winners and thank them for their exceptional commitment to digital teaching.