Information about on-campus examinations

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You can find updated information about on-campus examinations on all FAU channels. If you have any question or problems, please contact your lecturers or write an e-mail to

Examinations Office’s website

The Examinations Office’s website is regularly updated with all important information on the impact of the pandemic on examinations at FAU: Examinations Office’s website.

Please also consult our coronavirus websites: for information on hygiene guidance, working from home and more. There is also a link to the page from the Examination Office’s website.

President’s podcast of 27 January

FAU News: Special edition about on-campus examinations dated 26 January

Do you have any further questions or problems?

If you have any additional questions or problems, please contact your lecturers or .

Library update: Books are once more available for collection from the University Library.

Free FFP2 masks for students in need: Students in need can collect FFP2 masks free of charge from Student Services. You need to show proof that you receive a BAföG grant or interim financial aid from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Further information available from Student Services: