
At #WiSo.Zusammenhalt.Unternehmen, you will be working with a partner from civil society, the municipality, or local small and medium sized firms. Simultaneously, you will enhance your professional competence. For example, you could volunteer at Tafel Deutschland e.V. and explore their management structures at the same time.

Unfortunately, we are not able to make a statement how the current situation will affect the exams of your courses at the end of the summer term at this point in time. Kindly note that the module handbook, which will be published on 18.05.2020, will contain information on the nature of changes regarding your examinations.

The first day of the summer term already lies behind us. Hopefully, you have all started off well, you have visited your first lectures and tried some of the digital tools. Maybe there have been some minor problems, such as gaining access to StudOn. However, FAU has already taken measures to reduce these difficulties, such as enhancing server capacities.

This semester is unprecedented in over 100 years of our faculty’s history. We want to enable you to successfully complete your semester despite flattening-the-curve. This is why we have analyzed all scheduled modules regarding the possibility to transfer them into a digital environment – and a very large share will be offered virtually.

The lecture period has begun and the WiSo welcomes its students in the new, this time digital semester #WiSoVirtuell. To welcome you visually, you can find a video message by the speaker and dean of WiSo Nürnberg in German and by the dean for international affairs in English. We wish everyone a good start into the virtual semester 2020!

The virtual summer semester 2020 is approaching with great strides. In each of the bachelor and master courses, the intended number of ECTS points can be earned. For every WiSo course scheduled for the summer semester, a course on StudOn can be found. If you haven’t already joined the StudOn courses, which are relevant for you, please do so urgently.

Their judgement has a major influence on German economic policy: The council of five economic experts known as ‘Wirtschaftsweisen’ assesses macroeconomic developments in Germany, helping political bodies to make informed decisions on economic policy issues. Prof. Dr. Veronika Grimm has now been appointed as a new member of the council.

WiSo has developed the WiSo-Virtuell2020 concept in response to the Corona crisis. Currently we assume that many events will be organized digitally and that these cannot be held as classroom events at the university. Information how a module takes place and is examined will be made available on StudOn from April 3rd.

The lecture period in the summer semester 2020 will definitely start on 20 April 2020. It will not be shortened and it will not be a ‘zero semester’. The summer semester 2020 will count as a regular semester under exceptional conditions, with special arrangements in place.

The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the infection it causes (coronavirus induced disease, COVID 19) are continuing to spread. In response to the changing situation, FAU has updated its regulations concerning business travel to high-risk areas, the procedure for people returning from high-risk areas, and holding lectures, seminars and other events.