
Walkway concept

The School of Business, Economics and Society has decided to introduce a walkway concept for the buildings to ensure that sufficient distance can be maintained.

The busy staircase 1 leading to the library is only to be used to go upstairs. As an exit from the library, please use the neighboring staircase 5 to go down. The remaining stairs and staircases can be used in both directions. Please keep to the right when walking in all foyers, hallways, stairs and staircases.

Lifts may only be used by one person at a time.

Only two persons at a time are allowed in the room for snack and drink vending machines. Please make sure to keep the minimum distance when waiting outside.

The large lecture halls H4, H5 and H6 and seminar room 0.424 have separate entrances and exits. Please enter H4 from the foyer and leave it from the lower level.

The entrances and exits to the building are signposted. One entrance is in the courtyard, the exits lead out via the new building and the entrance at Hirschelgasse. You can use the entrances in both directions when going towards or coming from Hirschelgasse.

IMPORTANT: In the event of an emergency, all staircases and exits can be used as an escape route in all directions and at all times!

Please note the opening hours of the Lange Gasse and Findelgasse locations:

Lange Gasse (library from 8 am)
Mon – Fr: 7:00 to midnight

Mon – Sun: 7:00 – 21:00
Access to the Findelgasse is only possible for all students and employees with the FAU-Card.