Prof. Dr. Johan Lilliestam

Prof. Dr. Johan Lilliestam

Chair of Sustainability Transition Policy

Curriculum vitae

Johan Lilliestam is Professor of Sustainability Transition Policy and joined the FAU in September 2023. His research focus is policies, strategies and instruments for a transition to a completely renewable energy system, including the effects of interactions between different energy policies. He is a European Research Council grantee.

Before joining FAU, he was Professor of Energy Policy at the University of Potsdam and led the Energy Transitions and Public Policy group at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Research Institute for Sustainability in 2019-2023. He was first appointed Assistant Professor of Renewable Energy Policy in 2017 at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, where he had previously worked as Senior Scientist in the Climate Policy Lab. He obtained his PhD in Environmental Science and Policy from at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, in 2013. From 2007-2013, he was a researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and from 2009-2013 at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria.

He completed his Master Degrees in Environmental Policy and Management at FU Berlin, Germany, in 2007 and in Environmental Science and Problem Solving at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, in 2005.

For further information please visit the chair’s website.