Prof. Dr. Simon Reif

Prof. Dr. Simon Reif

Professorship for Economics with a Focus on Health Care Markets

Curriculum vitae

Simon Reif studied Sociology and Economics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, the University of Hull (UK) and at LMU Munich. He got his PhD from FAU in 2018 with a dissertation on “The Supply of Medical Services”. After his PhD he worked as a senior researcher at RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research in Essen and as a consultant for digital health startups. Since 2021 he is head of the research group Health Care Markets and Health Policy at ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim and since 2023 Professor of Economics with a focus on Health Care Markets at FAU.

His research is focused on health care market structures, the design of reimbursement schemes and digital health.

For further information please visit the chair’s website.