Associated institutes
Associated institutes
Associated institutes have a special legal status as independent institutions that focus on a specific field of research or professional development which complements the School’s or the University’s profile.
In addition to conducting fundamental and applied research and development, they are also responsible for professional development courses, training for young researchers and extensive transfer of knowledge.
Forum V – Northern Bavarian Institute of Insurance Science and Practice
Forum V is an association of northern Bavarian insurance companies, universities and organizations committed to the interdisciplinary advancement of insurance science. The non-profit association works to further the co-operation between research, practice and politics in the insurance industry. More information is available on the Forum V website (German).
Institute for Co-operative Business Research
The Institute carries out research on co-operative business from an economic, legal and sociological perspective. This approach results from the interdisciplinary character of co-operative business. More information is available on the Institute for Co-operative Business Research website (German).
Institute for Empirical Sociology
The Institute aims to advance independent empirical sociological research. More information is available on the Institute for Empirical Sociology website (German).
Institute of Liberal Professions
The Institute aims to research, teach and provide information about the nature and significance of liberal professions in society, the economy and government both in general and with regard to certain individual professions. Furthermore, the Institute of Liberal Professions provides consulting services for start-up businesses and the liberal professions. More information is available on the Institute of Liberal Professions website.