Corporate strategic planning simulations
Corporate strategic planning simulations for first-year students
The corporate strategic planning simulations for students of the degree program in Business Administration will be held in two different sessions.
For exact dates as well as more information and to register for the course, please visit (German).
You can state which dates you would prefer to attend the simulations on when you register. You will be allocated to a specific session by the administrative team.
The corporate strategic planning simulations are a compulsory course which ends with a graded examination.
Course content
The following aspects of business administration will be covered using computer-aided simulations:
- administration: thinking of business alternatives, interpreting market situations and market outcomes correctly and implementing them in targeted decisions
- procurement and warehousing: calculating optimal order quantities
- production: investment and divestment decisions, utilization planning, human resources planning
- sales: analyzing market and competition situations, planning marketing budgets, analyzing market research reports, determining pricing policy
- finance: finance planning, income statements, balance sheet analysis
Students work in groups to solve a real business problem.
Learning objectives and skills
Students learn how to:
- recognize and analyze complex business situations in a game-like setting
- interpret market situations and market outcomes correctly and implement them in targeted decisions
- link strategies to goals and implement them in decisions
- recognize relationships between areas where decisions need to be made and co-ordinate decisions
- improve team work and organization