Coaching & mentoring for new students
Support for new students
The coaching & mentoring for new students of the School of Business, Economics and Society focuses on making it easier for first-semester students to get started at university. The mentors are students from higher semesters who have taken part in this program themselves and know from their own experience what is important when starting university. The first semester students get to know their mentors during the introduction events for the BA in Economics, B.Sc. in Business Informatics and BA in Socioeconomics. They support them with the challenges of starting their studies. This is not only about solving problems, finding your way around the university and answering questions about studying, for example, but also about social aspects such as getting to know new people. Support is not only provided during the introduction event, but also throughout the entire first semester.
More information is provided during the introduction events and is also available via e-mail from the organization team.
- get-togethers in a relaxed atmosphere outside the University
- support is provided throughout the first semester
- support with problems and questions for new students at the beginning of their studies
- increased contact and dialogue between new students and the School
- improved contact between students and a stronger student network
- increased satisfaction with study conditions leading to higher motivation among new students
- reduced stress and anxiety
Participant feedback
Greta Mitzam
Bachelor’s degree program in Business Studies, second semester
I thought the mentoring program was great. When you’re new in town and don’t know anyone, the mentoring program is a great opportunity to meet people.
Ferdinand Niedermeier
Bachelor’s degree program in Business Studies, second semester
Thanks to regular contact with the mentors I learned a lot about life at the University. Whatever problems arise, the mentors are always happy to help. I’m going to apply to be a mentor next year so that I can pass on my knowledge to other new students.
Mentor feedback
Caroline Krause
Master’s degree program in Marketing, second semester
How did you find out about the mentoring program?
Through the information sheet on (simulations and mentoring program, deprecated) and on the website of the Chair of IT Management. Becoming a tutor for the simulations was linked to the mentoring program.
How were you able to help the mentees?
I was able to give my mentees helpful tips for their studies and share my experiences of studying with them. In particular, I gave them advice on lectures and tutorials when they were creating their schedules, as well as advice on the general structure of the semester. I passed on important information and dates throughout the semester to make sure none of them forgot to register for examinations or re-register for the following semester, for example. Whether it was about registering for courses, registering for or withdrawing from examinations, applying for exemption from semester fees, how to get a parking permit or applying for a cafeteria or copying card, I was always able to help my mentees and put them in touch with the right people. Of course I was also there to help in emergencies, such as if someone was ill on the day of an examination (explaining where to submit their doctor’s certificate, how much time they have to do this, whether the missed attempt counts, etc.). I also helped the mentees get to know Nuremberg better. We went to the Christmas market together and organized a few pub crawls, for example. The students who had only recently moved to Nuremberg for their studies were particularly enthusiastic about these kinds of events.
How was your contact with the mentees and are you still in contact with them?
The contact with my mentees is great. We communicated via StudOn, e-mail and social networks but also spoke on the phone and met up in person a lot, or just happened to see each other in the corridor at the University. The evening events and the visits to the Christmas market were the highlights. We didn’t just talk about studying, we also got to know each other on a more personal level. I was able to develop friendships with some mentees. Several more pub trips and meetings are planned for the coming semester.
What are the advantages of being a mentor?
- Meeting new people
- Having an opportunity to make new friends
- Spending time together in the evenings and having fun
You learn how to support and help other people, and try to give them helpful tips for their studies and share some of your own experiences.
Would you apply to be a mentor again?
I would apply to be a mentor again because it’s a lot of fun, you meet new people and you’re a big help for the mentees starting their studies at FAU. I also made a great new friend in my mentoring partner.